Business Tips & Tools

I am a strong believer that; you don't have to know everything, you just need to know who to ask. There is so much knowledge and experience gathered available and here I share some of my favourite tips (& tools) that help me smooth out all the wrinkles of working online!

read the articles here

my favourite tools

There are lots of tools & software available that can’t wait to make your ‘business’ life easier! Some are for free and some are not. I share these wonders gladly with you!

*Look out for this asterisk next to the name, it means that I am an affiliate and if you sign up, I might receive a commission from them. 

I only share products/services that I love and use myself.

signature hound

A custom email signature is a must and even if you don’t have a design program to create one, you can do it for here for a small monthly fee:

favicon creator

A favicon? Yes, that little icon you see of a website on the tab when you open it. Create your own one quickly here:

Need a free design tool to make all your images look fab without having too much design experience?

By far my most favourite tool to build websites with and now they also offer hosting, how awesome! If you purchase from Elementor using this link, I will receive a commission. Thank you!